Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl XLVII and Brag Blog haha

Ade lol today you learned what football is. You weren't very interested but mommy and daddy were. We never really watch football, but you gotta watch the Super Bowl!! Anyway we have been teaching you and teaching you nonstop. Daddy and I are seriously thinking you are gifted darling. You know your full name, place of birth, the month, your age, all the colors, you can count to 10, you can say your ABCs 70% perfect, you have been potty trained since you were 2 & 1/2, you know your address, and just countless other things. Ahhh I am just so proud of you we had a fun day as a family today =)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Today We Made Crayons

Well we sorta made crayons lol. Mommy, daddy and you all opened up the papers on old crayons that were dull or broken. Then we all broke then up in pieces and set them into my Scentsy sample makin' mold and then I put them into the oven on 300 for 10 minutes. Daddy was probably the most excited because he liked to design the colors into neat-o new crayons.I didn't think to get pictures as we were peeling the crayons because I hadn't decided to blog about it. This was a really fun family activity and you just love coloring so much. Here are some of your coloring pages you did today:
and here are the crayons we made as a family <3

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Adelina's 3rd Birthday Party

Today we had your 3rd birthday party. We decided to have it 2 days early since daddy goes back to work from leave (time off) on the 20th and also the end of the world thing lol. Earlier in the year you wanted to have a Toy Story theme, then you changed it to "pink princess" and finally decided on Tangled. We ordered your cake from a bakery called Nadine's. It was my first time ever using a bakery outside of walmart/frys/albertsons etc. Daddy and I were so pleased with the cake. It was a white cake, butter cream icing and a layer inside of chocolate moose.
We planned a HUGE party for 15 adults and 15 kids b/c I am OCD and didn't want to not have enough haha. Your dad was a good sport about everything and never put up a fuss about money. We ordered 8 large pizzas had a fruit tray, 30 individual ice cream cups, 4 12 packs of soda, water bottles and a giant pack of juice boxes. Needless to say our fridge is now PACKED! We had super cute Tangled decorations. And played a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey Tangled theme game
I had bubbles and chalk outside for your friends, and we did a pinata too. We opened presents and then said good bye to our friends. You said "Good bye thank you for coming to my birthday party" =) So polite! We all had fun and clean-up afterwards was a snap because daddy helped me a lot. We worked together and your 3rd birthday was a hit. We love you so much honey! Happy Birthday

Friday, August 3, 2012

Monsters Inc.

I borrowed the movie from Nicole and Ade watched it for the first time ever today =) She loves it! After we left her house we went and got ice cream from mcdonalds.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Missing My Own Mommy

I just sang Ade a lullaby that I've only ever sang to her twice before. The first time kind of came out of nowhere, the second time I got a little choked up, and tonight I full on just had to go into the kitchen to cry after I laid her down. My mom use to sing it to me when I was little. I just miss her so much. My heart squeezes in my chest and I hold my breath for a few seconds, my throat closes up really tight... because if feels like my heart is breaking. I haven't seen her for 2 and 1/2 years. Ade was only 1 month old last time my mom and I were together. I wish we lived closer. I really need her.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Couldn't Live Without It

Ade's favorite night time thing aside from her beloved Penny (sentsy stuffed animal pig) is her Cloud b Lady bug. It lights up her room with stars in 3 different colors and has a 45 minute timer on it. I love it so much I'd sell them if I could lol. Here are some pictures of it!

Displays actual constellations (not outlined like in the pic however but neat nonetheless) 

Monday, July 2, 2012

"Oh! That's Ade"

When I point to a picture of Shirley Temple and ask Ade "who is this?" she says "Oh! That's Ade". So so cute. I think she does look a little like her.