Monday, January 30, 2012

A Day With Ade

We wake up around 7am and I change Ade's diaper, wash my hands, get coffee brewing, make Ade and I breakfast which is usually scrambled eggs and toast, make Ade a fresh sippy, she watches a care bear movie on netflix, I get on the computer, she chills out and plays with some toys then 2 hours later takes a nap around 9:30am. I TRY to stay awake but nap a good 30% of the time. The days I skip a nap I crochet, get phone calls done, clean the little extras etc. Ade wakes up, we eat lunch together, go outside, later Jesse comes home, then later we eat dinner as a family, and then Jesse gives Ade a bath. We all hang out and play and watch tv together. When Ade goes to bed Jesse plays PS3 and I yell at him to keep quiet lol. The end :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

18,216 Hours Old

Ade is growing up SO FAST! She has been saying and doing so many cute things. This morning I said "Ade say Rise and Shine!" and she said "Fries n' Shine!!!!!!!!!". Every time she sees a stick of deodorant she automatically starts lifting up her shirt on one side and if you hand her the deodorant she will put it under her shirt and try to rub it on her arm pit. She cracks me up each and everyday.