Monday, January 30, 2012

A Day With Ade

We wake up around 7am and I change Ade's diaper, wash my hands, get coffee brewing, make Ade and I breakfast which is usually scrambled eggs and toast, make Ade a fresh sippy, she watches a care bear movie on netflix, I get on the computer, she chills out and plays with some toys then 2 hours later takes a nap around 9:30am. I TRY to stay awake but nap a good 30% of the time. The days I skip a nap I crochet, get phone calls done, clean the little extras etc. Ade wakes up, we eat lunch together, go outside, later Jesse comes home, then later we eat dinner as a family, and then Jesse gives Ade a bath. We all hang out and play and watch tv together. When Ade goes to bed Jesse plays PS3 and I yell at him to keep quiet lol. The end :)

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