Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dear Grown Up Ade Part 1

Ade as you read this and are in the helping of animals field of work let me explain why. You may have noticed an overwhelming urge to help animals in trouble. Let me explain what happened in your childhood. Today as you were fighting nap time I was trying to get things done and decided to wash some of your toys. You sat and watched me sort through your toy box as I removed all the stuffed animals without batteries. Then you followed me curiously into the kitchen where the washer and dryer are. Confused and slightly horrified you witnessed your mother put the stuffed animals in the wash, pour detergent on them along with warm water and shut the lid. While you were crying I tried to explain to you it was an "animal bath". But then I remembered we had a cat and played out this new understanding in my head then revised with "Ummm its a toy bath". You wouldn't take a nap... you were too concerned for their safety. I am sorry I put them in there in front of you lol. I should have waited until you fell asleep for nap time. I love you xoxoxo Mommy.

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